Friday, 20 March 2015

FMP Ahmad Rubat

Today I worked on my FMP, I started to make more work based on the artist Ahmad Rubat. He a fine artist, specializing in digital art, one of his series is based on how social media can hide our true personality.

After looking at his I wanted to make similar work but focus more on beauty and editing that is done to models to enhance their beauty.  I started making some experiments based on this idea and the outcome was really pleasing, because the instagram frame showed a completely different person than on the outside. I made these examples of Microsoft Word so I was pleased to have done good editing without using photoshop. I searched the net for before and after makeup models and uses these images to create the edited instagram posts. I really enjoyed making these edited images because the difference is stark and it shocking to see how opposite the images are.

I want to make more on celebrity posts and look into developing this idea somehow.

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